How to Read Bass Clef From Treble

Practise you know how to read music in bass clef? At our music school in NYC, a frequent comment from new piano students is: "I understand how to read the right hand notes but I am really bad at reading the left paw notes." Why do then many first piano students struggle with reading the left hand?  Is information technology considering bass clef is tricky to read? Let'south find out . . .

Most musical instruments cannot produce more than one note simultaneously. If they do have this ability, the notes will generally be in the aforementioned annals or very close together.  For example, a violin is only capable of playing in a higher register, while the double bass plays only notes that sound low. Why does this matter? Because nearly beginning instrumentalists only need to learn to read one line of music, and mostly just demand one clef!

What are musical clefs?

A clef is a musical symbol which serves as a marker to tell you lot where specific notes are on a staff. There are actually many different types of clefs, but the iv that we use well-nigh oft in mod times are:

  • Treble Clef (Chiliad Clef) – used to announce high notes
  • Bass Clef (F Clef) – used to denote low notes
  • Alto Clef & Tenor Clefs (C Clefs) – used to denote middle pitch notes

Each line and space on each clef represents a different letter!

If you are taking beginning level music lessons, each instrument has a clef that information technology plays in which corresponds with how loftier the pitch is on that instrument. For instance, instruments with a high pitch such as violin, flute, piccolo, or clarinet apply the treble clef. Instruments with a lower pitch such every bit cello, bassoon, or tuba, use the bass clef. At that place are some instruments that fall in the centre, such every bit the viola or alto clarinet, who use the alto clef. The tenor clef is less often used, just yous will come across it in cases where the cello needs to play higher in its register.

Why does the piano accept to apply two clefs?

The piano is a special instrument because it has 88 notes, significant it spans a large spectrum of loftier and depression notes.  Just 5 lines of staff is not plenty to express the full capabilities of the range, then 2 sets of 5 lines are used. This is chosen a chiliad staff.

The right hand is by and large notated on the upper staff using treble clef and left hand is notated at the bottom using bass clef.

As mentioned before, each line and space on a staff represents a letter in the musical alphabet, and a specific annotation on the instrument. For case, on a Treble clef, the 2d line from the bottom is a K (That's why information technology'southward chosen "G" clef!) On a bass clef, the second line from the bottom is a "B."

This means that the rules for reading treble and bass notes are dissimilar, and that is why a lot of people have problem learning to read bass clef if they accept already learned treble clef.   None of the notes with the same vertical position on the five lines of treble and five lines of bass clef are the same note letters.

At start, this may seem confusing and illogical and many even very brilliant minds struggle with this concept.

So how tin can you learn read bass clef and so that y'all may play more fluently on the piano?

In that location is a common metaphor that "learning to read music is like learning to read in a different language." This is not exactly truthful – learning to read the notes is actually at to the lowest degree x times easier than reading another linguistic communication, and then have no fearfulness!

The system music notation is based upon is 100% logical and does non take a myriad of exceptions to the rules similar all languages have.

Look at the flick below:  the notes connected past the line are the SAME note: middle C.

If nosotros follow that middle C upward into the treble clef, we go in lodge of the musical alphabet: C D Eastward F Thou A B C.

If we follow middle C backwards downwardly into the bass clef, we go backwards in the alphabet: C B A Thou F Eastward D C

Essentially, it is the same pattern going from low to high where "middle C" is the meeting point between the left and right hand.

Landmark notes: The nigh effective solution for learning to read piano music

When you first begin piano lessons, it's recommended to take time learning "landmark" notes. Eventually, yous will just simply know which notation is which (there are not that many total notes. later all).  The start footstep is to memorize the "landmark notes" which are marked in red.

If y'all are focusing on the bass clef, and so merely memorize that below the first line is F, 2nd space is C, 4th line is another F, and finally the middle C. Notice how when we describe the vertical position of the annotation we always recollect "bottom-to-the-superlative". You should always call back like that too.

When you lot see a note that is not the landmark note that you have memorized, simply imagine that closest landmark note and count upwards or down from it including every line and every space using the C-D-Due east-F-M-A-B-(C) blueprint. That's it! After a while you lot will only naturally know all your notes.


If you don't desire to cripple yourself when it comes to notation reading, Do NOT apply the mnemonics for the music notes. Nosotros don't even want to give you whatever examples of what these mnemonics are, and if you hear anyone starting to say "every adept boy…" just cover your ears and run out of the room!

Remembering some silly phrases where the beginning letters of the words stand for the note messages that go on the lines or in the spaces of the music stuff is a completely backwards fashion of learning the notes. It may provide a quick solution at commencement, only then you will get stuck with this highly addictive method and volition most likely never transition to the normal way, which is – you lot simply know your music notes just the same as you lot know your letters of the alphabet. Imagine reading a volume and having to do some strange additional ritual to retrieve what the letters of the words are. Information technology would exist completely silly!

Larn the notes by memorizing the landmark notes, buy the music flash cards for some additional help, stay away from mnemonics. 2-iii weeks of practicing reading bass clef, and you will be well on your way to being better at reading piano canvas music!


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